Name: Mattizus IarondAge and rank will be filled out once chargen is done. I've dropped the given name, just leaving the taken and family names. Next step, the characteristics, taken in order, with Strength and Endurance being 1d6+3 and Education being 2d6+1.
Species: Darrian
Homeworld: Jacent/Darrian/Spinward Marches (A333744-D Ht Na Ni Po)
CharacteristicsCompared to Miryim, Mattizus is stronger, far more agile, not as hardy, as intelligent, and not as well educated. Compared to the average human (stats of 7 across the board), Mattizus is less hardy and more intelligent. The Iaronds are an intelligent family.
Str 7/+0
Dex 10/+1
End 4/-1
Int 10/+1
Edu 7/+0
Soc 7/+0
Speaking of family, Miryim's grandparents and parents remain the same. A grandparent made an important scientific breakthrough and Mattizus's mother thwarted a Zhodani plot. That leaves the sibling. The random 2d6 roll is 8, getting "Relative was lampooned Confederation-wide for precipitating an infamous accident", which never came up when creating Miryim. However, a 7 gets "Relative has travelled extensively outside the Confederation", which suits her perfectly.
Family:Mattizus gets three background skills plus an extra in a science. Being from a high tech world gets Computers 0, leaving the other two as free choice. Mattizus takes Language and Carouse both at 0. For the science, he takes Social Science.
Grandparents - both alive; important scientific breakthrough of great benefit
Parents - father alive; mother a lauded hero for discovering Zhodani plot
Siblings - older sibling; has travelled extensively outside the Confederation
All Darrians must spend a term either in the military or in education. Mattizus heard about Miryim's time in the Confederation Navy and her secondment to the Imperial Navy and decided that military life has too much excitement and near-death experience for his taste. He tries to enroll as a Scholar instead, needing a 7 or better to succeed. The 2d6 roll is 5. Time for the draft. A roll of 6 puts him into Agent (Police). He gets the Service Skills all at 0 before rolling for a new one. He takes his skill roll on the Specialist: Police and gets Drive; Mattizus takes the specialization of Wheeled. Survival is based on Endurance, so that's a -1 to the roll, but he only needs a 6 or higher to avoid a mishap. He rolls a 7, modified to a 6. Close, but he makes it through. For the event, he gets a 6; an investigation takes him outside of the Confederation, with a choice of skills. Mattizus adds Streetwise 1 to his skill list. He now checks for a promotion, needing 6 or better and gets to add his Intelligence modifier; the roll is 10, modified to 11, and gets promoted to Officer.
Mattizus, however, wants to entertain, not serve and protect. He tries to enter the Entertainer career, needin a 5 or better before adding his Int bonus. He rolls 7, plus 1 from Int, for 8 and gets in without a problem. He musters out of the police force after one term with two rolls. First roll will be for cash; a 1 means just Cr2000. The second is under other benefits; a 3 gets him +1 Edu. He learned on the job. Back to the Entertainer career, he takes the Performer specialty. He gets one of the Service Skills at 0; he chooses Persuade. He takes his skill roll on the Specialist: Performer table and rolls a 3, Carouse. Survival is based on Social Standing; he needs a 5 or better and can't modify his roll. The result is 6; Mattizus makes it. He now checks the event; the roll is 5. Mattizus is given a challenging task and needs to roll 8 or higher on one of three skills. Fortunately for him, he has two of them and picks Investigate. The roll is 7, but Mattizus uses his Int to bump it to 8, a success! He now has a +2 on his next advancement roll. For advancement, he needs a 7 or higher, modified by Int. He rolls 10, plus 1 for Int, plus 2 for the success and becomes an Acolyte with a 13. He rolls again on the Specialist: Performer table, getting a 4, Deception. I was expecting a rock star; instead, Mattizus might be an actor.
The third term comes and Mattizus stays in his career. The skill roll is again on the Specialist: Performer table; a 1 gets him Art (Performance). Actual Art skill! The survival roll is a straight up 2. Oops, mishap. Rolling on the mishap table, a five means he was forced out due to censorship or controversy. His entertainment career ends, but a +2 on his next enlistment roll means he will continue. He does get to muster out first, though. One term, with one promotion, gets him two roll. First is again on cash; he gets Cr50 000. On the other benefits table, he gets +1 Int, giving him a slight edge over Miryim now.
At the start of his fourth term, Mattizus wants to try his hand at being an Envoy. He needs a 7 or better, and his Education doesn't provide a bonus. He rolls 10, plus 2 from the previous mishap, for a 12. Mattizus is now a diplomat. He takes Diplomat at 0 from the service skill table, then rolls on the Specialist: Diplomat table, getting Diplomat. Mattizus is a natural at his new job. Survival is Soc based this time, so no modifier, just a straight up roll to beat 6; he gets 9. For the event, the roll is 8; Mattizus spent time in diplomatic circles and now needs to make a Carouse or Persuade roll. He rolls 7, adds 1 from Carouse and 1 from his Int bonus to get 9 total. Mattizus now has an Ally. The advancement roll needs to beat 6 and he gets his Int bonus on top; the roll is 6, modifed to 7, and Mattizus is now a Junior Envoy.
Since Mattizus is still in his career, I won't bother with a final mustering out. The chargen went a different route than I expected, but the mishap works for Miryim; the controversy could easily be an addiction.
SkillsMattizus's skill set is interesting, to say the least. Nothing outstanding like Miryim's smallcraft piloting or mechanics, but Mattizus does have people skills. Law enforcement and acting may have just been stepping stones to a long career as a diplomat, giving him a broad base allowing him to relate to people. I should keep Mattizus in mind for the serial. Having him appear should be both a delight and an annoyance for Miryim.
Art 0
Performance 1
Athletics 0
Carouse 1
Computers 0
Deception 1
Diplomat 1
Drive 0
Wheeled 1
Gun Combat 0
Investigate 0
Language 0
Persuade 0
Social Science 0
Stealth 0
Streetwise 1
The final character sheet:
Name: Mattizus IarondIf you wind up playing him, let me know!
Species: Darrian
Homeworld: Jacent/Darrian/Spinward Marches (A333744-D Ht Na Ni Po)
Rank: Officer (1)/Acolyte (1)/Junior Envoy (1)
Str 7/+0
Dex 10/+1
End 4/-1
Int 11/+1
Edu 8/+0
Soc 7/+0
Grandparents - both alive; important scientific breakthrough of great benefit
Parents - father alive; mother a lauded hero for discovering Zhodani plot
Siblings - younger sibling; well publicized addiction
Art 0
Performance 1
Athletics 0
Carouse 1
Computers 0
Deception 1
Diplomat 1
Drive 0
Wheeled 1
Gun Combat 0
Investigate 0
Language 0
Persuade 0
Social Science 0
Stealth 0
Streetwise 1
Career - Agent (Police); 2-Entertainer (Performer), 4-Envoy (Diplomat)
Term 1: Investigation takes him outside the Confederation; promoted.
Term 2: Given a challenging task and succeeds; promoted.
Term 3: Mishap; pushed out due to controversy.
Term 4: Spent time in diplomatic circles and gained an ally;
Cr 52 000
Medical Expenses:
Ship Shares:
Allies: Diplomat
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