Continued with the Marilith to get a bit further. First was to fix up the problems with the lower body by adding an extra coat as needed. I also started to fix a mistake, though another coat may be needed there Since this is about to get pic heavy, since it involves painting minis, the rest is after the break.
You can see the red hidden behind the new coat of yellow. There's also a hint of what else I worked on. (Photo by author) |
In the above, you can see where I mistook the snake belly for a blank area. A second coat of yellow should finish with the fixing. The red just is too strong to hide with one coat.
Started on her vest/corset/armour. Demons can have magical purple armour. (Photo by author) |
With the easier parts done, time to work on the top. The armour corset - demons can wear whatever they want - was a little more difficult than I expected. I used the wrong brush, really. But I got most done and I can come back with a smaller brush later to fix things.
View from behind. (Photos by author) |
The back worked out decently, though I suspect I may want to add some detailing. Another coat of red will also help in areas, too.
I then went over to an elf fighter, one with sword and board. The cloak called out to be purple.
Such a magnificent cloak! (Photo by author) |
Same problem as with the marilith - I had the wrong brush size. Again, a second coat to touch things up will be needed. The cloak has two sides, so the inner part also got a coat of purple. I need to work out the other colours for the elf. I'll need brown for the wooden shield, a metal for the sword, then something for the clothes and hair. Planning, what a concept.
Side view. (Photo by author) |
And to show the difference in sizes. The two minis are the same scale, so the marilith is not something to brush aside.
Six against one. Or just call the marilith Ginsu. (Photo by author) |
Friday, over at
Psycho Drive-In, Surprise! It's an Adaptation!
Saturday, over at
The Seventh Sanctum,
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