It's been a while
since I've worked on Sharkie. I've finished the eyes, teeth, and waves. I just have the tone wash to go, which can wait for the paint to dry. Since this is going to be pic heavy, I'll just put a cut here.
The hardest part of working on Sharkie's details is that I am both near- and far-sighted and need new glasses. Considering current events[], low priority right now. I just take off my glasses for the detail work and bring the mini really close to my face. I'm happy with the results, though. I got the eyes decently, though could be better, and the teeth worked great, though the paint covered the gore from when I painted his throat. I also got the exact effect I wanted with the sea waves by painting from below.
"I\m ready for my close-up." (Photo by author) |
This shot really does show off the effect I wanted to make with the splash wave, with the colour coming from within. (Photo by author) |
I probably could have done better with this eye. I lost the gore effect on the teeth, but I can live with it. (Photo by author) |
I also got the first coat down on some 3-D printed characters that I'll be using for my apartment. I want a second and maybe even a third coat, followed by a sealant, as the characters will be going outside above my door.
Nice simple broad brush strokes for this character. (Photo by author) |
I'm improving. Multi-colour objects need a bit more planning in just having the needed paints on hand. The shark needed six separate colours to be finished. Most of it needed broad brush strokes instead of detail work, ideal for trying out techniques. I can always paint over mistakes. I do need to work on more complex minis, though. I have a few in mind, including a
tortle adventurer and a
human sorceress. My choice is a
Type V demon, now known as
a marilith.
Beginning the painting. (Photo by author) |
Side view, to show just how much demon there is to paint. (Photo by author) |
Side view. Lots of snake on her. (Photo by author) |
After the first coats on the snake part. (Photo by author.) |
View from behind. I can see a few spots that I missed. (Photo by author) |
Side view, cleverly hiding a mistake I made on her underside. (Photo by author) |
I'm not limiting myself to traditional or official colours. In nature,
venomous snakes are colourful, a warning sign to other animals. (Link leads to snakes; phobics might want to avoid clicking.) Since this mini is of a demon, I figure going with yellow and red for the snake part of the body would highlight the danger.
I still have to figure out her bustier, her hair, her skin tone, and her weapons, though I will try putting a bit of red paint on the blades to see how that works as blood.
Friday, over at
Psycho Drive-In, Surprise! It's an Adaptation!
Saturday, over at
The Seventh Sanctum,
Death Wish.
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