28 May 2017

Test Run - Demon Hunters

After the analysis done on the Cortex system over at Lost in Translation, I felt like putting a character together.  The decision on which setting was made easy - Demon Hunters came with a DVD to watch, a training manual on becoming a member of the Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch.

The game and the series it's based on, the Dead Gentlemen Productions works Demon Hunters and /Demon Hunters - Dead Camper Lake/, are supernatural comedies.  There are vampires, werewolves, and demons out there, and some might be your teammates.  One segment in the orientation video includes a list of trades the Brotherhood is looking for, including TV/VCR Repair.  I have my concept, a TV/VCR repairman who isn't fazed by the supernatural; he's seen far worse.

Let's start.  For character creation purposes, I'm assuming a veteran.  He's not going to run away screaming the first time he sees a demon.  This gives me 48 points for attributes, 68 for skills, and 4 for traits.  That latter might not be enough.  My Demon Hunter is human and was recruited after a section of the Brotherhood noticed that he was still fixing a TV in a conference room that had been turned into a gateway to Hell and the central battleground between the forces of Good and Evil.  Bert - that's his name, Bert Ernesto - realized that VCR repair was a dying industry, what with cheap DVD players around, so accepted the offer.

Time to deal with Bert's attributes.  There are six, and they can range from a d4 to a d12+d4.  Note that attributes and stats aren't necessarily tied to each other.  Bert's main attribute is his intelligence, so I'll set that at d12.  Being unfazable means a high willpower and possibly a lower alertness; I'll set those to d10 and d6, respectively.  The last 20 points will get spread over the more physical attributes, agility, strength, and vitality, giving them, in order, d6, d6, and d8.  There are also derived attributes.  Life points are worked from the die type of both vitality and willpower, giving Bert 18.  The same attribute dice are used for endurance rolls.  Initiative uses agility and alertness, rolling the die from each attribute every combat.

Name: Bert Ernesto, TV/VCR Repairman
Agility: d6               Life Points: 18
Strength: d6             Inititive: d6+d8
Vitality:    d8           Endurance: d8+d10
Alertness: d8
Intelligence: d12
Willpower: d10
Next, skills.  I'm not going into the full details, but I'll make note of certain skills in Bert's list.  However, after a skill reaches d6, it must be specialized, though there's no limit to the number of specializations.  Tech is Bert's main skill; TV/VCR repair falls neatly under it.  Animals comes from dealing with pets while fixing TVs.  The rest he picked up here and there.
Skills  & Specialties:
Animals d4
Covert d4
Discipline d6
Drive d4
Guns d6
Knowledge d2
Mechanic d6
Melee Weapons d6
  Clubs d10
Perception d2
Tech d6
  Electronics d8
  Jury-Rigging d10
  TV/VCR Repair d12
Unarmed Combat d6
That just leaves traits.  The big one I want for Bert is Attuned to Technology.  I mean, he's made a living with TV/VCR repair in a time when there are cheap DVD players all over the place.  That, though, costs more than the four trait points he gets as a Veteran.  I also want Steady Calm - he is supposed to be unfazable.  That means, I need complications.  As a member of the Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch, Bert has a duty to the organization, one that could lead to painful injuries.  He's not in a higher ranking chapter and definitely not in Chapter Alpha One, so the d8 level suits the character best.  Wiseass is a coping mechanism, though it's not a good thing to smart off on a vampire or demon or anything that can remove a head from a body without effort.  And Bert, well, he has a poor sense of smell.
Assets & Complications:
Attuned to Technology d12
Steady Calm d6
Dull Sense (Smell) d2
Duty (Brotherhood) d8
Wiseass d4
And that's it.  Bert started from a throw away gag to become a Demon Hunter chapter's electrician and technical expert.  I'm sure he could possibly fix the team's Cipher, though not the factory defects.  Not that there are factory defects.  He can also defend himself, especially by using his tools as clubs.  He should survive minor demons.  And no Earthwalker has been seen in centuries!  As always, the full character below.  If you do use Bert, let me know!
Name: Bert Ernesto, TV/VCR Repairman
Agility: d6            Life Points: 18
Strength: d6            Inititive: d6+d8
Vitality:    d8            Endurance: d8+d10
Alertness: d8
Intelligence: d12
Willpower: d10

Skills  & Specialties:
Animals d4
Covert d4
Discipline d6
Drive d4
Guns d6
Knowledge d2
Mechanic d6
Melee Weapons d6
  Clubs d10
Perception d2
Tech d6
  Electronics d8
  Jury-Rigging d10
  TV/VCR Repair d12
Unarmed Combat d6

Assets & Complications:
Attuned to Technology d12
Steady Calm d6
Dull Sense (Smell) d2
Duty (Brotherhood) d8
Wiseass d4

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