The next few weeks
are going to focus on the crew and how they came into being. The
goal of the NaNoWriMo 2010 was to make sure
that the story matched the game. I find it annoying when a tie-in
novel ignores key elements of game play. Thus, I made sure that the
characters could be created in the core rules. More after the
Charles had a few
roles. First, he was meant to be the obvious bit of Shadowrun.
Trolls are impossible to miss, being big reminders of the setting and
the changes done to Earth. To make sure that readers understood that
this was a Shadowrun story, Charles became the wall of muscle; a
troll with almost maximum strength. He is physically impressive.
Street Name: CharlesMetatype: TrollAge: 23Sex: MStreet Cred: 0Notoriety: 0Public Awareness: 0
The personal data
should be straightforward. Street Cred is based on earned
experience, called Karma. Notoriety and Public Awareness come from
actions and from Qualities and Drawbacks, listed later. Charles has
no Quality or Drawback that would add to either.
With the Attributes,
I focused Charles on the physical side. High Body and Strength,
representing endurance and physical muscle, are key for a character
who will get into people's faces as needed. Numbers in brackets have
been augmented through cybernetics; Charles was modified to be
stronger than he already was. The mental side of the equation,
though, took the hit. While 3 represents the average human, Charles
lost out on Charisma and Logic. He's the guy who looks menacing
while someone else, usually Treehugger or Numbers, handles
AttributesBody 9Agility 3(5)Reaction 4Strength 8(10)Charisma 2Intuition 3Logic 2Willpower 3Edge 3Essence 4.0
Initiative 7Init Passes 1
Physical Damage Track 13Stun Damage Track 10
The list of skills
shows Charles' focus. He is the bodyguard, the crew's muscle.
During a run, he's the one standing over Numbers and Oswald as they
deal with the astral and the virtual. Charles has their backs, and
while he can handle a gun, he's better up close and personal. He has
picked up social skills; more to better fit in any setting from a
dive bar to a posh restaurant.
Active SkillsAthletics 2Close Combat 4Etiquette 4Firearms 3First Aid 4Pilot Ground 3Craft
Knowledge skills are
where characters can show some personality on a character sheet.
Charles enjoys good beer, not the canned swill from mass brewers.
He's picked up some knowledge on music mainly through being a
bouncer, and has learned fashion to better fit in no matter where.
Charles knows when to wear a tuxedo and the difference between black
tie and white tie.
Knowledge SkillsBeers 3Club Music 2Fashion 3Security Design 2Security Procedures 3
Charles knows two
languages. English is his native; he was born in Seattle. The
Italian comes from working with one of the Mafia families in his
youth. He knows enough to get by, but keeping up a conversation will
be difficult.
Language SkillsEnglish NItalian 2
As mentioned above,
Charles has no Quality or Drawback that provides Notoriety or Public
Awareness. The mild allergy makes it difficult to get decent
implants, but he heals fast from injuries, a great help when the job
is to be the wall between the client and an assailant.
QualityAllergy, mild, goldQuick Healer
Both of Charles'
contacts appeared in By the Numbers. Mister Macro, the troll fixer
at the Big Rhino goes back a bit with Charles, thus the betting and
favour-for-favour. Macro also has ties to the Mafia families. Doc
Jade was the street doc Charles provided bouncer service for; not all
deals involve money.
Contacts (Loyalty/Rating)Mister Macro - Fixer (2/3)Doc Jade - Street Doc (3/2)
Here we come to the
cybernetics installed in Charles. The image link lets Charles read
his commlink's display directly on his retina, giving him privacy.
The smartgun link acts to improve his aim with an appropriately
modified gun. The muscle replacement was in payment for services
rendered; someone realized that Charles would be impressive if
augmented. Finally, the retractable spur means Charles is never
unarmed. Sure, he needed to have it disabled during the meeting, but
he never has to worry about ruining the line of a suit with bulges
caused by weapons.
ImplantsImage Link, alpha (0.08)Muscle Replacement 2, alpha (1.6)Smartgun Link, alpha (0.08)Spur, retractable, alpha (0.24) (8P damage)
The rest of Charles'
equipment. The claymore is the two-handed sword, not the explosive.
This was more me wanting to see a troll armed with a weapon that
could cut through a door. Should give any katana-wielder pause. The
Defiance is a taser; doing as much in stun damage as the spur does in
lethal. The Predator is the go-to pistol in the game; it's
inexpensive and comes with an integral smartgun link. The Deputy is
for intimidation; it's a heavy revolver; Charles brings it out when
subtlety isn't getting anywhere. The SCK is a submachinegun and
probably the least used weapon in Charles' armoury. Charles hits
harder than the pistol, but there's always a moment where being able
to release a massive amount of flying lead is needed.
From there, we have
Charles' armour. Normally, clothing is handled by lifestyle; Charles
has a low one, but that is basically anything you can find at a
low-price department store or even second-hand stores. The Morimer
suit is anything but cheap; it lets Charles get into high-end
locations. The lined coat is an armoured duster, meant to be used in
locations where people don't care as much about the clothes worn.
Naturally, Charles has a commlink; few people in the 2070s don't.
Medkits are always handy, and the Harley Scorpion lets Charles get
around without Treehugger needing to modify her vehicles to
accommodate him.
GearLifestyle: Low, 2 monthsClaymore (9P, Reach: 2, AP:-1)Defiance EX Shocker w/concealable holster, 20 taser darts(8S(e), AP:-half, SS, 4(m))Ares Predator IV w/silencer, concealable holster, 3 spare clips, 60rnds frangible ammo(5P, AP:+1, SA, 15(c), smartlink)Cavalier Deputy w/quick draw holster, internal smartlink, 4 speedloaders, 40 rnds EX-Explosive ammo(6P, AP:-2, SA, 7(cy))SCK Model 100 w/sling, 5 spare clips, 180 rnds regular ammo, Gas-Vent 2(5P, SA/BF, RC:(1), 30(c), smartlink, folding stock)Mortimer of London Berwick Line: Suit jacket (3/2)*, DinnerJacket (2/2)*, Trousers (1/1), Shirt (1/0)Lined coat (6/4)Renraku Sensei w/Magnadyne Deva OS, subvocal mikeMedkit (rating 4)Harley Scorpion
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