The quick summary of the settings and idea behind the game - players are Demon Hunters, members of the Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch, whose job it is to go out and slay demons and other threats to humanity. Some members of the Brotherhood are supernatural, including those who could be considered threats to humanity. The Brotherhood sends out teams of Demon Hunters to contain and eliminate the threats. Sometimes, it may take sending another team to clean up the remains of the first. More details can be found in the original Demon Hunters, the follow up Demon Hunters: Dead Camper Lake, and the Brotherhood Orientation Video.
Let's rebuild Demona!
1) Concept Aspect
This is a short descriptive sentence that sums up the character. For Demona, "Half Succubus Librarian". That's who she is.
2) Trouble Aspect
Another short phrase or sentence, this time showing a weakness or shortcorming. With Demona, I'll go with, "Innocent in both her worlds." She's naive when it comes to Earth and Hell.
3) Approaches.
I have six dice to distribute, a d10, two d8s, two d6s, and a d4, over the approaches Careful, Clever, Flashy, Forceful, Quick, and Sneaky. This takes a bit of thought. Careful, which covers paying attention to details, gets the d10. Clever and Sneaky both get a d8 each. That should take care of Demona's career choice. Forceful gets the d4; Demona is not one for brute strength. That leaves the d6s in Flashy and Quick.
Careful: d10
Clever: d8
Flashy: d6
Forceful: d4
Quick: d6
Sneaky: d8
4) Disciplines
Demona gets three disciplines to assign dice to, a d10, a d8, and d6. There are, however, five disciplines - Combat & Tactics, Covert Ops, Mystic Arts, Research & Development, and Social Engineering. Any discipline not getting a die gets a d4. And for extra fun, there are Fringe disciplines, for the not-so-human members of the Brotherhood, like Demona. Naturally, Demona takes Fringe: Demon at d8. She's not fully immersed into being a Demon, but she knows things. She takes R&D at d10 because librarian. The d6 goes into Covert Ops. She's good at being quiet because, again, librarian.
Combat & Tactics: d4
Covert Ops: d6
Mystic Arts: d4
Research & Development: d10
Social Engineering: d4
Fringe: Demon: d8
5) Stunt
Time for a stunt. Two more come later, but I want a stunt related to Demona's concept aspect.
Research Librarian: Because I am a Research Librarian, I get a +2 to create advantages when I Carefully use R&D to research our opposition.
6) Discipline Aspects
Demona gets three more aspects related to her disciplines. Shush! lets Demona do things quietly or to get others to be quiet. I think I know that demon reflects that she knows people in the underworld. I read in a book... builds off her experiences working in libraries.
Discipline Aspect: Shush! (Covert Ops)
Discipline Aspect: I think I know that demon (Fringe: Demon)
Discipline Aspect: I read in a book... (Research & Development)
7) Two More Stunts
I could have put this with step 5 to save time, but I'm going by the steps in the book. The stunts should reflect Demona, really. I could go for more, but Demona would lose Devotion and, thus Faith Dice (plot points), and those are really useful.
Demonic Heritage: Because I am a half-demon, once per session I can ignore any fire I'm in.
Innocent: Because I am socially awkward, I get +2 to Cleverly defend against persuasion and seduction.
8) Name and Description
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Demona Wilson, as created in The Sims 4. |
Demona's character sheet:
Name: Demona Wilson
Devotion: 3
Tattoo Location: Inside of left thigh
Concept: Half-succubus librarian.
Trouble Aspect: Innocent in both her worlds
Discipline Aspect: Shush! (Covert Ops)
Discipline Aspect: I think I know that demon (Fringe: Demon)
Discipline Aspect: I read in a book... (Research & Development)
Careful: d10
Clever: d8
Flashy: d6
Forceful: d4
Quick: d6
Sneaky: d8
Combat & Tactics: d4
Covert Ops: d6
Mystic Arts: d4
Research & Development: d10
Social Engineering: d4
Fringe: Demon: d8
Research Librarian: Because I am a Research Librarian, I get a +2 to create advantages when I Carefully use R&D to research our opposition.
Demonic Heritage: Because I am a half-demon, once per session I can ignore any fire I'm in.
Innocent: Because I am socially awkward, I get +2 to Cleverly defend against persuasion and seduction.
As always, if you play her, let me know. Comments are also welcome.
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