The army of undead Elvii are running amok. Good thing Nadia and her team are around. The necromancer became a character when I realized that someone had to be animating the Elvii. Her motives are somewhat shallow, but the serial isn't supposed to be serious. Someone using dark magic to punish sinners hits the irony button and adds to the theme that the real danger tends to be the human element.
Vegas, at least in the setting, is an unusual city where the supernatural is part of the scene, at least in the touristy areas. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" and all that. Demons can get jobs or go out for a bit of harmless fun. Demona's mother forgot about the "harmless" part in the past and earned herself a lifetime ban. The ban got passed on to her daughter.
I toyed with the idea of giving all the Elvii a name based on a song by Elvis. Blue is named after "Blue Suede Shoes", Teddy Bear after the song of the same name, Lonesome after "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" Then I realized that I'd have to name at least twenty Elvii and there are way too many Top 40 Elvis songs. Just naming three was enough.
The one thing I was starting to regret was the length of the chapters. These are longer than what I have for other purpose-made serials, like Unruly. This makes a difference on when to wrap up an entry, to make sure that each one is more or less the same length. With novel chapters, length isn't as important as content and purpose. Posting a regular chapter week after week, though, has a different requirement. Too short, what's the point of visiting. Too long, and it's easier to download and read later. And differing lengths add some uncertainty when there shouldn't be any. Next serial, I get the chapters a little shorter, giving me less space to fill.
Friday, if it's stupid but it works, in Heaven's Rejects Chapter 10.
Also Friday, over at Psycho Drive-In, Convoy.
Saturday, over at The Seventh Sanctum, Feast of Legends.
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