31 Dec 2017
Goodbye 2017
Go join 2016 on the trash heap. Lowered expectations and 2017 still failed to meet them. Bah.
29 Dec 2017
The Devil You Know - Chapter 22
"We got here safe and sound."
"Barely. You almost hit that truck!"
"There was plenty of room."
Ben glanced from Ione to Karen. "Let me get you something, Karen." He helped the young woman sit down at the counter. "You seem healthy."
"Just shaken. Never get on a motorcycle with Ione."
Ione made arrangements with Gemma.Ione and Karen arrived back at the hotel. When they entered, Ben held the note Karen had left. Ione waved to the angel before flopping on the couch. Karen walked across the room on unsteady legs. "Ione, I am never riding with you again."
"We got here safe and sound."
"Barely. You almost hit that truck!"
"There was plenty of room."
Ben glanced from Ione to Karen. "Let me get you something, Karen." He helped the young woman sit down at the counter. "You seem healthy."
"Just shaken. Never get on a motorcycle with Ione."
28 Dec 2017
The Devil You Know - Commentary 21
Ione takes control, in The Devil You Know Chapter 21.
After Chapter 20, I found that I had written myself into a corner and couldn’t figure out how to pull all the different plots and subplots together. I also had a rough idea of where the climax was going to happen but not how to get there. I also wanted Ione to take control of what she was doing; so far, she'd been a passenger on the plot wagon and I do hate it when a main character doesn’t have input over what's going on. What happened to break through the block was looking around for places for Ione to meet Gemma and found a lovely view of the Mediterranean and some other street view locations that got the writing going again. I also found the Brasserie de Monaco, a brewery with its own bar, with photos and videos online. All I needed, really, was to do some research, something I couldn't think of doing near the end of November 2013.
With an idea of where events will happen, the next part was figuring out what the events would be, the other part of the corner. Working on serializing the story did help remind me what I had set up earlier, and having Karen and Ione back together helped with prompting Ione into thinking. Sure, some of what comes up here was part of my own thought processes, but I had set up some details in the past that now pay off. Ione's LARPing experience isn’t the best to build on, though. It’s not like I could go slay a dragon or stop an Aslan ihatei fleet just because I play D&D and Traveller. But it’s a start and works with the character.
Karen’s plan of getting wasted makes sense from her point of view. Angels and demons roam the lands, the world’s about to end, and the only person who can stop a rogue angel is her best friend. Getting drunk is the sanest thing possible; at least she’ll be too numb when the world ends to feel it. Karen has another purpose in the scene. With Mara gone, Ione needs someone she can confide in and Karen is the perfect person for that. Karen is better; Ione knows her better. Karen can act as both conscience and provocateur.
Gemma was a resource I wanted Ione to use somehow. At the time of writing, I didn't know just how yet. Despite all the time used to post the story, I still hadn't worked out what Gemma could do. I just knew I would need her somehow. However, Gemma has been established as a British secret agent, one who is tenacious and efficient, if somewhat brutal. She’s the experience that Ione doesn't have, and Ione knows this. Thus, the phone call and the meeting. Ione also took charge during the call. No pleasant chit-chat, no begging, no explanation, just telling Gemma when and where. Ione's hoping that the spy will be curious or angry enough to show up.
I had to check the earlier chapters to see if Karen had ever ridden on a motorcycle with Ione before. Anytime the two of them had gone anywhere together, Karen drove her car, leaving the motorcycle behind. I had never mentioned if Karen had or hadn't. I had to make a quick decision – Karen doesn't like being on a motorcycle as a passenger. Not helping is the choice of ride; Ione's motorcycle back home is a cruiser, not a sport bike, and is a slower machine.
The meeting itself was Ione running her LARP. She wasn't joking about the type, either; Ione’s seeing everything happening as more Jason Bourne than James Bond. The author is seeing what’s happening as more Adderly meets urban fantasy, with Ione being more Mona than Adderly. Ione is keeping the upper hand. She knows she has something Gemma wants. Ione doesn't know what she, herself, wants yet, other than that she hopes Gemma will keep being Gemma. And what Ione has to offer is a big boon to Gemma’s career; a major drug and weapons deal plus the names and descriptions of the major players, sans Jack.
This chapter basically sets up some of the pieces for the ending. I didn't want to just jump to the end, and even if I did, I needed to work out where everyone was. This way, the audience can follow along instead of seeing people and items pop out of nowhere. It’s more organic this way, even if it’s slower.
Friday, into the breach in The Devil You Know Chapter 22.
Also Friday, over at Psycho Drive-In, holiday adaptations.
Saturday, over at The Seventh Sanctum, a look forward to 2018.
After Chapter 20, I found that I had written myself into a corner and couldn’t figure out how to pull all the different plots and subplots together. I also had a rough idea of where the climax was going to happen but not how to get there. I also wanted Ione to take control of what she was doing; so far, she'd been a passenger on the plot wagon and I do hate it when a main character doesn’t have input over what's going on. What happened to break through the block was looking around for places for Ione to meet Gemma and found a lovely view of the Mediterranean and some other street view locations that got the writing going again. I also found the Brasserie de Monaco, a brewery with its own bar, with photos and videos online. All I needed, really, was to do some research, something I couldn't think of doing near the end of November 2013.
With an idea of where events will happen, the next part was figuring out what the events would be, the other part of the corner. Working on serializing the story did help remind me what I had set up earlier, and having Karen and Ione back together helped with prompting Ione into thinking. Sure, some of what comes up here was part of my own thought processes, but I had set up some details in the past that now pay off. Ione's LARPing experience isn’t the best to build on, though. It’s not like I could go slay a dragon or stop an Aslan ihatei fleet just because I play D&D and Traveller. But it’s a start and works with the character.
Karen’s plan of getting wasted makes sense from her point of view. Angels and demons roam the lands, the world’s about to end, and the only person who can stop a rogue angel is her best friend. Getting drunk is the sanest thing possible; at least she’ll be too numb when the world ends to feel it. Karen has another purpose in the scene. With Mara gone, Ione needs someone she can confide in and Karen is the perfect person for that. Karen is better; Ione knows her better. Karen can act as both conscience and provocateur.
Gemma was a resource I wanted Ione to use somehow. At the time of writing, I didn't know just how yet. Despite all the time used to post the story, I still hadn't worked out what Gemma could do. I just knew I would need her somehow. However, Gemma has been established as a British secret agent, one who is tenacious and efficient, if somewhat brutal. She’s the experience that Ione doesn't have, and Ione knows this. Thus, the phone call and the meeting. Ione also took charge during the call. No pleasant chit-chat, no begging, no explanation, just telling Gemma when and where. Ione's hoping that the spy will be curious or angry enough to show up.
I had to check the earlier chapters to see if Karen had ever ridden on a motorcycle with Ione before. Anytime the two of them had gone anywhere together, Karen drove her car, leaving the motorcycle behind. I had never mentioned if Karen had or hadn't. I had to make a quick decision – Karen doesn't like being on a motorcycle as a passenger. Not helping is the choice of ride; Ione's motorcycle back home is a cruiser, not a sport bike, and is a slower machine.
The meeting itself was Ione running her LARP. She wasn't joking about the type, either; Ione’s seeing everything happening as more Jason Bourne than James Bond. The author is seeing what’s happening as more Adderly meets urban fantasy, with Ione being more Mona than Adderly. Ione is keeping the upper hand. She knows she has something Gemma wants. Ione doesn't know what she, herself, wants yet, other than that she hopes Gemma will keep being Gemma. And what Ione has to offer is a big boon to Gemma’s career; a major drug and weapons deal plus the names and descriptions of the major players, sans Jack.
This chapter basically sets up some of the pieces for the ending. I didn't want to just jump to the end, and even if I did, I needed to work out where everyone was. This way, the audience can follow along instead of seeing people and items pop out of nowhere. It’s more organic this way, even if it’s slower.
Friday, into the breach in The Devil You Know Chapter 22.
Also Friday, over at Psycho Drive-In, holiday adaptations.
Saturday, over at The Seventh Sanctum, a look forward to 2018.
22 Dec 2017
The Devil You Know - Chapter 21
At the hotel, Ione dismounted her motorcycle. She took off her helmet and ran her fingers through her short hair to try to fix it. Noticing Mara was still on her ride, Ione asked, "Not coming in?"
The deal is made.Ione followed Mara as they retraced their route back to the Adagio Monaco Monte Cristo, the redhead's words still echoing in her head. A demon's friend, Ione never expected to have mixed feelings over the concept. On one hand, Mara was a succubus and, as such, tempted people. On the other hand, other than dessert the previous night, the red haired woman hadn't even tried to lure Ione, and, once past her ditzy façade, could be someone to confide in. Ione amended, as long as Mara could remain fully clothed.
At the hotel, Ione dismounted her motorcycle. She took off her helmet and ran her fingers through her short hair to try to fix it. Noticing Mara was still on her ride, Ione asked, "Not coming in?"
21 Dec 2017
dba LTV Paranormalists Sneak Peek Commentary
Last year's NaNoWriMo began with an odd thought - could a story be told by jumping back and forth in the timeline? The answer is . . . not this one.
dba LTV Paranormalists began as an idea with two young women talking, one skeptical of the other. Both names were there from the start. Kristi, the more open to accepting the supernatural, was originally meant to be a bit fore flaky. Things changed between original concept and the actual writing; the business is her idea and she did think things through. Ayel was the more skeptical and more cynical. Again, the character changed a bit from the initial concept. There is a third character to come, but she didn't fit in the first chapter as it was written.
Flashbacks take care to use. They serve a purpose. They don't make for easy writing when every scene leads to one. I do have ideas of stories that span over two time periods, but this wasn't one. The plan is to get the narrative to be linear. That means four chapters are getting the heck editted out of them. Fun, but at least I realized that the technique is difficult to maintain.
I looked up what the requirements for a Private Investigator's license is in Ontario. According to the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, a license is needed to be paid for investigating "the character or actions of a person," "a person's business or occupation," or "the whereabouts of persons or property." Kristi's idea doesn't touch these directly, but there is a nice grey area right before she and Ayel are looking at fines for investigating without a license. Students don't get into trouble for researching, though. However, since I'm not a lawyer, a judge, nor a regulator and neither are Ayel or Kristi, I played it safe and made sure to have a fourth character on call.
Raccoons became a running gag in this story. Turned out 2016 was the year of the raccoon locally. First was the Rideau Raccoon, who showed up on a scaffold near the Rideau Centre. Several days later, a sinkhole opened up near where the raccoon was seen, swallowing a minivan. Later in the year, a fight broke out at the MacDonald's at the Rideau Centre. Normally, this isn't news; fights happen there all the time. This time, though, a bystander pulled a baby raccoon from his jacket. The new raccoon was too small to be the Rideau Raccoon, so now there are two raccoons that were around for unusual events. Okay, one was the unusual event, but the point stands. Oh, and the minivan got buried under concrete. England buries kings under parking lots; Ottawa buries minivans under roads.
I did do some research to update some of the ideas behind both Kristi and Ayel. Ayel is going for her B.Comm degree from Carleton. While checking what sort of courses she would take and if she'd be in a class that Kristi might also be in, I discovered that Carleton now has an Entrepreneur stream in the degree, perfect for Ayel. Kristi is in Art History with a minor in Medieval Studies, mainly because she can.
The flashbacks set up how the business started. The present is the investigation, which is mostly in the rain. The plot moves slowly, existing mainly to introduce everyone. But there is a plan. Kristi and Ayel have been hired to find out what is haunting Mrs. Jenkins. There is something out there. It'll take the first arc for Kristi and Ayel to find out what.
The post is essentially a first draft with minimal editing done. It's raw. Work needs to be done, but it works as a sneak peek for now. I'm hoping to fix the first chapters to get the narrative more linear and get the major character parts out up front. The cast has some interesting conflicts coming up.
Friday, The Devil You Know returns with Chapter 21!
Also Friday, over at Psycho Drive-In, thoughts in the Disney/Fox deal.
Saturday, over at The Seventh Sanctum, holiday adaptation.
dba LTV Paranormalists began as an idea with two young women talking, one skeptical of the other. Both names were there from the start. Kristi, the more open to accepting the supernatural, was originally meant to be a bit fore flaky. Things changed between original concept and the actual writing; the business is her idea and she did think things through. Ayel was the more skeptical and more cynical. Again, the character changed a bit from the initial concept. There is a third character to come, but she didn't fit in the first chapter as it was written.
Flashbacks take care to use. They serve a purpose. They don't make for easy writing when every scene leads to one. I do have ideas of stories that span over two time periods, but this wasn't one. The plan is to get the narrative to be linear. That means four chapters are getting the heck editted out of them. Fun, but at least I realized that the technique is difficult to maintain.
I looked up what the requirements for a Private Investigator's license is in Ontario. According to the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, a license is needed to be paid for investigating "the character or actions of a person," "a person's business or occupation," or "the whereabouts of persons or property." Kristi's idea doesn't touch these directly, but there is a nice grey area right before she and Ayel are looking at fines for investigating without a license. Students don't get into trouble for researching, though. However, since I'm not a lawyer, a judge, nor a regulator and neither are Ayel or Kristi, I played it safe and made sure to have a fourth character on call.
Raccoons became a running gag in this story. Turned out 2016 was the year of the raccoon locally. First was the Rideau Raccoon, who showed up on a scaffold near the Rideau Centre. Several days later, a sinkhole opened up near where the raccoon was seen, swallowing a minivan. Later in the year, a fight broke out at the MacDonald's at the Rideau Centre. Normally, this isn't news; fights happen there all the time. This time, though, a bystander pulled a baby raccoon from his jacket. The new raccoon was too small to be the Rideau Raccoon, so now there are two raccoons that were around for unusual events. Okay, one was the unusual event, but the point stands. Oh, and the minivan got buried under concrete. England buries kings under parking lots; Ottawa buries minivans under roads.
I did do some research to update some of the ideas behind both Kristi and Ayel. Ayel is going for her B.Comm degree from Carleton. While checking what sort of courses she would take and if she'd be in a class that Kristi might also be in, I discovered that Carleton now has an Entrepreneur stream in the degree, perfect for Ayel. Kristi is in Art History with a minor in Medieval Studies, mainly because she can.
The flashbacks set up how the business started. The present is the investigation, which is mostly in the rain. The plot moves slowly, existing mainly to introduce everyone. But there is a plan. Kristi and Ayel have been hired to find out what is haunting Mrs. Jenkins. There is something out there. It'll take the first arc for Kristi and Ayel to find out what.
The post is essentially a first draft with minimal editing done. It's raw. Work needs to be done, but it works as a sneak peek for now. I'm hoping to fix the first chapters to get the narrative more linear and get the major character parts out up front. The cast has some interesting conflicts coming up.
Friday, The Devil You Know returns with Chapter 21!
Also Friday, over at Psycho Drive-In, thoughts in the Disney/Fox deal.
Saturday, over at The Seventh Sanctum, holiday adaptation.
15 Dec 2017
dba LTV Paranormalists - A Limited Liability - Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - Rainy Day Monday
The morning rain teemed down, turning the field grey. The overgrown grass hid the signs of construction in the new development, and what the grass couldn't hide, the rain shaded in its gloom. Two young women crouched under an umbrella, tryng to avoid being soaked. One, a tall blonde, sighed. The other. a tawny brunette, shot the blonde a glare.
"I don't know why you brought me here," Ayel said. She twisted the umbrella in her grasp, trying to relieve a cramp she felt building.
Kristi flicked back her tawny hair, her curls weighed down from the rain. "I wanted a second set of eyes."
"All I see is rain."
The morning rain teemed down, turning the field grey. The overgrown grass hid the signs of construction in the new development, and what the grass couldn't hide, the rain shaded in its gloom. Two young women crouched under an umbrella, tryng to avoid being soaked. One, a tall blonde, sighed. The other. a tawny brunette, shot the blonde a glare.
"I don't know why you brought me here," Ayel said. She twisted the umbrella in her grasp, trying to relieve a cramp she felt building.
Kristi flicked back her tawny hair, her curls weighed down from the rain. "I wanted a second set of eyes."
"All I see is rain."
14 Dec 2017
Mecha Academy Episode 1 - Commentary
With The Devil You Know still being completed, the regular fiction was replaced with a sneak peek my 2017 NaNoWriMo project. When there's more done with it, it'll be posted here in its entirety, or as much of it that's done given it's a serial.
MechaAcademy began as a concept in 2002, with brief scenes written out but nothing complete. The problem I ran into then was that I was trying to turn it into a novel when it didn't fit that format at all. It works as a serial or a series of novellas. There are elements of soap operas in it, same as Unruly and, to be honest, Subject 13. The story crept into the list of ideas for NaNo2017 and became a front runner when I realized that I could do what I want with it without worrying about stomping over someone else's intellectual property the way the Shadowrun story would. I also wanted to have a story done to adapt to another format, whatever that format would be. At one point, Mecha Academy was planned to be a web comic; that's still a possibility once I either find an artist to work with or learn to draw.
The first chapter introduces the main characters. I could have started with them meeting in their dorm, but then a key conflict starts and there isn't time to show who they are when they're relaxed. Each gets a scene of their own, to set them up. That way, the cliffhanger isn't completely out of the blue.
Rhiannon got the first scene. Her concept that she is fulfilling the role her brother would have had if he hadn't been killed. Rhiannon believes in her duty as the heir to the Duchy, and her parents weren't going to stop her. She's also a little sheltered, thanks to her parents being protective. That doesn't mean she's naive; Rhiannon isn't going to fall for a simple con.
Miyami has her own secret - she's hacked the system to create a false ID to hide that she's underage. She has a reason; her parents' business has run into a slow spot, so Miyami applied to the academy. Miyami is also a royal watcher. She recognized Rhiannon right away when no one else mentioned anything to the young noble.
Ric's intro went a direction I wasn't expecting. He's the first to interact with anyone instead of being lost in his own thoughts. He also didn't exactly hit on Abby, but he was charming. This sets his personality up in ways I hadn't expected. The original plan was to have Ric and Rhiannon become an item. Right now, that's not looking likely, and that's fine. The story will go where it wants. Abby wasn't planned on. She's not going to be a Mara, but now that she's named, she will return.
Dusty was the first to arrive at the academy. Unlike Rhiannon, Miyami, and Ric, she didn't arrive on planet that day through the spaceport. She's also more reserved than the rest. Her scene also explores the setting a bit more, with one of the main sets being detailed. The dorm has three rooms with bunks, allowing two to a room. The standard squad is six; Dusty's is down one. Commander Haag, Dusty's mentor, has a recurring role; he was planned from the start.
Lars is the local boy of the squad. His family lives not far, a five hour drive away, so his parents dropped him off. Lars may be the one character in the main cast that can talk to his family without too many problems like faster-than-light restrictions. He can also call them when he needs help. The scene also let me put in one of the mecha. Say hello to it; it'll be some time before it returns.
With the characters established, time to bring them together. Rhiannon and Miyami were first; they were on the same bus, the one Ric missed and Lars saw unloading. Miyami is using protocol; Rhiannon's full title is "The Most Honourable Rhiannon Tudor, the Countess of Filton, the Baroness Curren". The title is a courtesy, taking on a secondary title of both her father, the Duke of Bourgon and her mother, who has her own title of Countess of the Flat Hills along with being the Duchess. She doesn't want to use it, though. Lars, being the third to arrive, catches up. Dusty's already in the room, leading to the cliffhanger. Seems like Rhiannon and Dusty have a history.
The presence of dukes and duchesses sets up the government of the setting, too. Thanks to Rhiannon, the Poulos Nova Empire exists. The core setting is the Colonel KL Terin Academy; everything else got built as I needed to expand from there. The Empire is loosely based on ideas in the Traveller RPG, but not the Third Imperium. Rhiannon's father is the Duke of Bourgon, a border region that includes Tamar, the world with the academy. The means of governing may never come up, but it helps to have it in mind when writing, just in case. At the planetary level, the planets are more or less self-governing, though they all provide taxes to the Empire as well as locally. The Empire tries to provide a minimum standard of living, and it's not autocratic. I loosely based the Empire off the British Commonwealth, so there's a parliament with a House of Lords and a House of Commons at each level, from Empire-wide to planetary and even planetary provinces. Planets become baronies when they hit a certain population level; below that, they're considered colonies. Tamar is technically a colony, though getting close to being a full member of the Empire.
The structure of the Royal Guard was needed before I started. The Guard is split into three main foci - the Foot Guard, or the ground forces, the Sea Guard, the planet-based wet navy, and the Star Guard, the space navy. The Colonel Terin Academy prepares students to become part of the Foot Guard, and most of the characters at the school will be in that branch. Commander Haag, though, is Star Guard. The Foot Guard then was broken down to the different elements, infantry, cavalry, support, military police, and artillery. The mecha troops fall under infantry, which I've broken down as mechanized infantry, powered infantry, and armoured infantry. Mechanized infantry is the standard soldier seen even today, the boots on the ground to take and hold territory. Powered infantry wears powered armour, a step up from cargo exoskeletons. Armoured infantry covers the mecha troops. Instead of being twenty to fifty metre tall behemoths, the mecha in the story are two to three metres tall, filling a role between infantry and armour. The mecha are a force multiplier and can hold territory that armour can't.
Mecha Academy is more space opera than hard science fiction. The mecha aren't the only advanced vehicles around. The Thorensen family van uses turbo fans, a higher tech personal hovercraft. Ric was originally going to arrive on a fanbike - a motorcycle with fans where the wheels would be - but he talked to Abby instead. There is FTL travel through the use of singularity gates connecting worlds and gate drives for ships that have reason to not want to use the existing connections. There's even FTL communications that tap into the singularity gates. But tech shouldn't be the way problems are solved in the story. No particle of the week story here.
Everything is set up now. Once the story starts, we get to see why Rhiannon assaulted Dusty and where Ric is.
Friday, a sneak peak of dba LTV Paranormalists while I get the rest of The Devil You Know written.
Also Friday, over at Psycho Drive-In, Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie.
Saturday, over at The Seventh Sanctum, to be determined.
MechaAcademy began as a concept in 2002, with brief scenes written out but nothing complete. The problem I ran into then was that I was trying to turn it into a novel when it didn't fit that format at all. It works as a serial or a series of novellas. There are elements of soap operas in it, same as Unruly and, to be honest, Subject 13. The story crept into the list of ideas for NaNo2017 and became a front runner when I realized that I could do what I want with it without worrying about stomping over someone else's intellectual property the way the Shadowrun story would. I also wanted to have a story done to adapt to another format, whatever that format would be. At one point, Mecha Academy was planned to be a web comic; that's still a possibility once I either find an artist to work with or learn to draw.
The first chapter introduces the main characters. I could have started with them meeting in their dorm, but then a key conflict starts and there isn't time to show who they are when they're relaxed. Each gets a scene of their own, to set them up. That way, the cliffhanger isn't completely out of the blue.
Rhiannon got the first scene. Her concept that she is fulfilling the role her brother would have had if he hadn't been killed. Rhiannon believes in her duty as the heir to the Duchy, and her parents weren't going to stop her. She's also a little sheltered, thanks to her parents being protective. That doesn't mean she's naive; Rhiannon isn't going to fall for a simple con.
Miyami has her own secret - she's hacked the system to create a false ID to hide that she's underage. She has a reason; her parents' business has run into a slow spot, so Miyami applied to the academy. Miyami is also a royal watcher. She recognized Rhiannon right away when no one else mentioned anything to the young noble.
Ric's intro went a direction I wasn't expecting. He's the first to interact with anyone instead of being lost in his own thoughts. He also didn't exactly hit on Abby, but he was charming. This sets his personality up in ways I hadn't expected. The original plan was to have Ric and Rhiannon become an item. Right now, that's not looking likely, and that's fine. The story will go where it wants. Abby wasn't planned on. She's not going to be a Mara, but now that she's named, she will return.
Dusty was the first to arrive at the academy. Unlike Rhiannon, Miyami, and Ric, she didn't arrive on planet that day through the spaceport. She's also more reserved than the rest. Her scene also explores the setting a bit more, with one of the main sets being detailed. The dorm has three rooms with bunks, allowing two to a room. The standard squad is six; Dusty's is down one. Commander Haag, Dusty's mentor, has a recurring role; he was planned from the start.
Lars is the local boy of the squad. His family lives not far, a five hour drive away, so his parents dropped him off. Lars may be the one character in the main cast that can talk to his family without too many problems like faster-than-light restrictions. He can also call them when he needs help. The scene also let me put in one of the mecha. Say hello to it; it'll be some time before it returns.
With the characters established, time to bring them together. Rhiannon and Miyami were first; they were on the same bus, the one Ric missed and Lars saw unloading. Miyami is using protocol; Rhiannon's full title is "The Most Honourable Rhiannon Tudor, the Countess of Filton, the Baroness Curren". The title is a courtesy, taking on a secondary title of both her father, the Duke of Bourgon and her mother, who has her own title of Countess of the Flat Hills along with being the Duchess. She doesn't want to use it, though. Lars, being the third to arrive, catches up. Dusty's already in the room, leading to the cliffhanger. Seems like Rhiannon and Dusty have a history.
The presence of dukes and duchesses sets up the government of the setting, too. Thanks to Rhiannon, the Poulos Nova Empire exists. The core setting is the Colonel KL Terin Academy; everything else got built as I needed to expand from there. The Empire is loosely based on ideas in the Traveller RPG, but not the Third Imperium. Rhiannon's father is the Duke of Bourgon, a border region that includes Tamar, the world with the academy. The means of governing may never come up, but it helps to have it in mind when writing, just in case. At the planetary level, the planets are more or less self-governing, though they all provide taxes to the Empire as well as locally. The Empire tries to provide a minimum standard of living, and it's not autocratic. I loosely based the Empire off the British Commonwealth, so there's a parliament with a House of Lords and a House of Commons at each level, from Empire-wide to planetary and even planetary provinces. Planets become baronies when they hit a certain population level; below that, they're considered colonies. Tamar is technically a colony, though getting close to being a full member of the Empire.
The structure of the Royal Guard was needed before I started. The Guard is split into three main foci - the Foot Guard, or the ground forces, the Sea Guard, the planet-based wet navy, and the Star Guard, the space navy. The Colonel Terin Academy prepares students to become part of the Foot Guard, and most of the characters at the school will be in that branch. Commander Haag, though, is Star Guard. The Foot Guard then was broken down to the different elements, infantry, cavalry, support, military police, and artillery. The mecha troops fall under infantry, which I've broken down as mechanized infantry, powered infantry, and armoured infantry. Mechanized infantry is the standard soldier seen even today, the boots on the ground to take and hold territory. Powered infantry wears powered armour, a step up from cargo exoskeletons. Armoured infantry covers the mecha troops. Instead of being twenty to fifty metre tall behemoths, the mecha in the story are two to three metres tall, filling a role between infantry and armour. The mecha are a force multiplier and can hold territory that armour can't.
Mecha Academy is more space opera than hard science fiction. The mecha aren't the only advanced vehicles around. The Thorensen family van uses turbo fans, a higher tech personal hovercraft. Ric was originally going to arrive on a fanbike - a motorcycle with fans where the wheels would be - but he talked to Abby instead. There is FTL travel through the use of singularity gates connecting worlds and gate drives for ships that have reason to not want to use the existing connections. There's even FTL communications that tap into the singularity gates. But tech shouldn't be the way problems are solved in the story. No particle of the week story here.
Everything is set up now. Once the story starts, we get to see why Rhiannon assaulted Dusty and where Ric is.
Friday, a sneak peak of dba LTV Paranormalists while I get the rest of The Devil You Know written.
Also Friday, over at Psycho Drive-In, Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie.
Saturday, over at The Seventh Sanctum, to be determined.
8 Dec 2017
Mecha Academy - Episode 1 - Roommates
Episode 1 - Roommates
Chapter 1 - From Around the Sector
Rhiannon slipped through the crowd inside Tamar's tiny spaceport. She stopped long enough to switch her suitcase from one hand to another and get her bearings before continuing her walk. This far from home, she hoped she wouldn't be recognized right away, but she didn't want ot take the chance. She chose the Colonel KL Terin Military Academy because it was far from home. Rhiannon didn't want interference, not from the press and definitely not from her parents. Ever since her older brother's death two years ago, her parents ramped up their already over protectiveness to new levels. Rhiannon just didn't want to be sheltered. It wasn't as if she snuck away, exactly. It was a family tradition for the heir to the Duchy of Bourgon to serve in the Royal Guard. Her brother had been serving when he died. Rhiannon didn't want to be the exception; she could still hear her brother's voice saying how important serving was.
Chapter 1 - From Around the Sector
Rhiannon slipped through the crowd inside Tamar's tiny spaceport. She stopped long enough to switch her suitcase from one hand to another and get her bearings before continuing her walk. This far from home, she hoped she wouldn't be recognized right away, but she didn't want ot take the chance. She chose the Colonel KL Terin Military Academy because it was far from home. Rhiannon didn't want interference, not from the press and definitely not from her parents. Ever since her older brother's death two years ago, her parents ramped up their already over protectiveness to new levels. Rhiannon just didn't want to be sheltered. It wasn't as if she snuck away, exactly. It was a family tradition for the heir to the Duchy of Bourgon to serve in the Royal Guard. Her brother had been serving when he died. Rhiannon didn't want to be the exception; she could still hear her brother's voice saying how important serving was.
7 Dec 2017
The Devil You Know - Commentary 20
Ione met the endgame players, in The Devil You Know Chapter 20.
This is how writers get on NSA watch lists. The adage, "Write what you know," means researching areas that you've never considered before. I got to research the illegal drug trade and specific mind benders just to figure out what would be involved in the three-way deal Jack's setting up. I guessed at the amounts based on arrests and numbers tossed around on Miami Vice. Three hundred kilograms of cocaine should be enough to keep Wall Street high until the end of time. I needed the larger numbers to show how far up the chain Jack has gone.
Adding to the fun of the above research is krokodil, which gained notoriety in 2013 because it tended to eat away at its user base. Krokodil is not a good substance to deal in; repeat users become scarce. Ione pushes for it because she knows it'll be off the streets if Jack's plan works out.
With the weapons, I did some online research, but the bulk of my information came from tabletop RPGs set in the now. The M-16 is the standard rifle for the US military, so was an easy weapon to choose. Add in cases of a pistol, the Glock, and a few extras, and everyone is happy. Except that the AK-74, like its predecessor the AK-47, was meant to be an export to nations that had limited manufacturing. Get the assault rifle from the wrong supplier and it could be a shoddy weapon.
Ione now has enough evidence to put these guys away. She just has to turn the information over to the police. However, that's not why she's there. As seen in Chapter 19, there is a bigger threat. How will she deal with it? Um, later.
Mara raises a good point. Angels are awesome and terrifying. Think about the greeting, "Fear not." It's not "Hello," or, "How's it going," or even "Greetings, puny Earthling." The angel said, "Fear not," like it was expected for Mary and Joseph to run away, or worse, in fright. If you go back to Chapter 1, Ione ran. Sure, part of it was because a warehouse had just exploded, but there was more going on. You now may be wondering, why didn't Ben cause the same reaction? Ben's working on muting his frightful side. He's been among humanity for a while, just like Jack, so he knows how not to be frightening.
I'm not sure how the little character bits between Ione and Mara came about. I think it was just from their interactions in earlier chapters. Here, Mara shows some vulnerability. For a character who wasn't planned, she showed growth. And even I was surprised to see the crush, but it came naturally. Thus is the nature of pantsing in NaNo.
You may have noticed the TBA for next week. I ran out of steam after crossing the 50k mark in 2013. I have a start on Chapter 21, but it is in now way complete. I felt like I had written myself into a corner. Four years later, I think I have an endpoint to hit. I will be working on it to have up as soon as possible. This week, though, I'll put up the first chapter of Mecha Academy, raw, no edits, to show what I've been working on this year. After that, it'll be week by week until I have The Devil You Know complete, with past short works appearing. However, if TDYK goes much like The Soul Blade did, it shouldn't take long. I have everything I need laid out. It's time to pull everything together.
For an added bonus, I've designed Mara through The Sims 3. While I figured I had a good idea of what she looked like while writing - she is a temptation demon, so what could tempt me? - it's always good to see if I can get the image in my head out. I don't draw well, so games that allow for character customization are a huge help.
Friday, a sneak peak of Mecha Academy while I get the rest of The Devil You Know written.
Also Friday, over at Psycho Drive-In, wrapping up the MST3K remakes.
Saturday, over at The Seventh Sanctum, to be announced.
This is how writers get on NSA watch lists. The adage, "Write what you know," means researching areas that you've never considered before. I got to research the illegal drug trade and specific mind benders just to figure out what would be involved in the three-way deal Jack's setting up. I guessed at the amounts based on arrests and numbers tossed around on Miami Vice. Three hundred kilograms of cocaine should be enough to keep Wall Street high until the end of time. I needed the larger numbers to show how far up the chain Jack has gone.
Adding to the fun of the above research is krokodil, which gained notoriety in 2013 because it tended to eat away at its user base. Krokodil is not a good substance to deal in; repeat users become scarce. Ione pushes for it because she knows it'll be off the streets if Jack's plan works out.
With the weapons, I did some online research, but the bulk of my information came from tabletop RPGs set in the now. The M-16 is the standard rifle for the US military, so was an easy weapon to choose. Add in cases of a pistol, the Glock, and a few extras, and everyone is happy. Except that the AK-74, like its predecessor the AK-47, was meant to be an export to nations that had limited manufacturing. Get the assault rifle from the wrong supplier and it could be a shoddy weapon.
Ione now has enough evidence to put these guys away. She just has to turn the information over to the police. However, that's not why she's there. As seen in Chapter 19, there is a bigger threat. How will she deal with it? Um, later.
Mara raises a good point. Angels are awesome and terrifying. Think about the greeting, "Fear not." It's not "Hello," or, "How's it going," or even "Greetings, puny Earthling." The angel said, "Fear not," like it was expected for Mary and Joseph to run away, or worse, in fright. If you go back to Chapter 1, Ione ran. Sure, part of it was because a warehouse had just exploded, but there was more going on. You now may be wondering, why didn't Ben cause the same reaction? Ben's working on muting his frightful side. He's been among humanity for a while, just like Jack, so he knows how not to be frightening.
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Mara. |
You may have noticed the TBA for next week. I ran out of steam after crossing the 50k mark in 2013. I have a start on Chapter 21, but it is in now way complete. I felt like I had written myself into a corner. Four years later, I think I have an endpoint to hit. I will be working on it to have up as soon as possible. This week, though, I'll put up the first chapter of Mecha Academy, raw, no edits, to show what I've been working on this year. After that, it'll be week by week until I have The Devil You Know complete, with past short works appearing. However, if TDYK goes much like The Soul Blade did, it shouldn't take long. I have everything I need laid out. It's time to pull everything together.
For an added bonus, I've designed Mara through The Sims 3. While I figured I had a good idea of what she looked like while writing - she is a temptation demon, so what could tempt me? - it's always good to see if I can get the image in my head out. I don't draw well, so games that allow for character customization are a huge help.
Friday, a sneak peak of Mecha Academy while I get the rest of The Devil You Know written.
Also Friday, over at Psycho Drive-In, wrapping up the MST3K remakes.
Saturday, over at The Seventh Sanctum, to be announced.
1 Dec 2017
NaNoWriMo 2017 Week 5 Update
Total Words: 67 911
Words Since Last Update: 7609
Completed Chapters: Episode 3 chapters 3, 4.
Pens down! NaNoWriMo 2017 is over!
My pace slowed down in the last week. Reaching 50k words meant the big push was over. I also found that I was far off the original ideas I had for the story. Some of the later character moments were going to occur far sooner. That's not really a problem; the way the story was working out, having the tension between the two characters wasn't sustainable. I also need the squad to work as a team properly. So, off in a new direction I go!
This isn't my best word count. That was 2009 with The Soul Blade, with over 83k words. However, I am happy with the output. I'm finding that I can maintain a good pace, can create content for longer periods (unlike 2006), and can rebound from a marathon writing session. My wordiest day occured during the all-day write-in here, with 6250 words written. Most will be kept, too. I'm also just above 5000 words short of reaching 700k career NaNo word count. Many words have been written.
Mecha Academy is going to be set aside for a bit. I need to finish The Devil You Know, then I want a month off from posting fiction to focus on cleaning up last year's dba LTV Paranormalists. I hope to work on Mecha Academy after that, to get the current episode completed.
It's far too soon to think about NaNo2018. I need a bit of time away from the push before I can think straight about next November. I now have four serials that want work done on them and I like to have a buffer before I start posting anything.
It was a blast participating again. It felt odd to be motoring along like I was without the dreaded third week doldrums, but that was a good odd. I am now 12-for-12 with NaNo. The marathon is second nature now. Maybe I can write.
Words Since Last Update: 7609
Completed Chapters: Episode 3 chapters 3, 4.
Pens down! NaNoWriMo 2017 is over!
My pace slowed down in the last week. Reaching 50k words meant the big push was over. I also found that I was far off the original ideas I had for the story. Some of the later character moments were going to occur far sooner. That's not really a problem; the way the story was working out, having the tension between the two characters wasn't sustainable. I also need the squad to work as a team properly. So, off in a new direction I go!
This isn't my best word count. That was 2009 with The Soul Blade, with over 83k words. However, I am happy with the output. I'm finding that I can maintain a good pace, can create content for longer periods (unlike 2006), and can rebound from a marathon writing session. My wordiest day occured during the all-day write-in here, with 6250 words written. Most will be kept, too. I'm also just above 5000 words short of reaching 700k career NaNo word count. Many words have been written.
Mecha Academy is going to be set aside for a bit. I need to finish The Devil You Know, then I want a month off from posting fiction to focus on cleaning up last year's dba LTV Paranormalists. I hope to work on Mecha Academy after that, to get the current episode completed.
It's far too soon to think about NaNo2018. I need a bit of time away from the push before I can think straight about next November. I now have four serials that want work done on them and I like to have a buffer before I start posting anything.
It was a blast participating again. It felt odd to be motoring along like I was without the dreaded third week doldrums, but that was a good odd. I am now 12-for-12 with NaNo. The marathon is second nature now. Maybe I can write.
The Devil You Know - Chapter 20
"Jack told me you'd be here. Is Ione still here?" Mara walked past Ben. She wore a bright yellow bodysuit that she had unzipped to her navel, giving everyone in the room a good view of her cleavage.
Ione got up from the couch. "I'm here, Mara."
Karen followed her friend. "You're Mara?" She appraised the newcomer. "Ione, this is Mara?"
"Mara, my friend, Karen."
Karen waved her hand in front of her face. "Did it just get warm in here?"
Jack and Ben revealed their true natures.After eating Ben's pork and sautéed onion stir fry, accompanied by a garden salad, the angel excused himself to let Ione and Karen catch each other up on the weekend happenings. Ben also was the one who sensed someone approaching and was several steps away when a knock came from the door. He opened it. "Ah, Mara, we were expecting you." The smile on the angel's face had no warmth behind it.
"Jack told me you'd be here. Is Ione still here?" Mara walked past Ben. She wore a bright yellow bodysuit that she had unzipped to her navel, giving everyone in the room a good view of her cleavage.
Ione got up from the couch. "I'm here, Mara."
Karen followed her friend. "You're Mara?" She appraised the newcomer. "Ione, this is Mara?"
"Mara, my friend, Karen."
Karen waved her hand in front of her face. "Did it just get warm in here?"
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